Finland announced the failure of negotiations with Russia on the situation on the border К основному контенту

Finland announced the failure of negotiations with Russia on the situation on the border

Finland discussed with Russia the situation with the uncontrolled arrival of refugees at the border, but negotiations through diplomatic channels did not produce results, said Prime Minister Petteri Orpo. According to him, the republic has evidence that Russian authorities deliberately allowed migrants from Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Yemen and other countries through without proper documents. “There are signs that this activity is organized,” Orpo emphasized. In this regard, the Finnish government began to develop new restrictions in case the situation worsens. “These decisions must be carefully prepared and proportionate [to the situation],” noted the head of the Cabinet of Ministers (quoted by Yle). Answering a question about the possibility of completely closing the border with Russia, Orpo said that if events continue to develop in this way, Finland is “ready to quickly make a decision.” He also added that “it would be better for everyone” if the situation returned to the level it was at before the restrictions.
