Five people died in an accident involving a passenger bus in the Kemerovo region. К основному контенту

Five people died in an accident involving a passenger bus in the Kemerovo region.

The driver of the car "ZAZ Shans", moving from the direction of Kemerovo, violated the rules of overtaking and crashed into an oncoming bus "Nefaz". The driver and four passengers of the car died at the scene. There were 12 people in the passenger bus, they were not injured.

В Кемеровской области в ДТП с автобусом погибли трое детей.

Дорожно-транспортное происшествие произошло сегодня около 12:45 на трассе Р-255 «Сибирь». Публикуем список погибших в результате столкновения:

1. Тильченко О.В. 1969;
2. Мельникова И.В. 1994;
3. Рузавина О.Ю. 2005;
4. Шачнев И.Э. 2005;
5. Буховец А.А. 2005.
