Plane ticket prices abroad return to normal in Russia К основному контенту

Plane ticket prices abroad return to normal in Russia

Plane ticket prices abroad return to normal in Russia

Airline tickets abroad went down on June 25 after a price hike a day earlier due to the developments around PMC Wagner.

In particular, then air carriers offered to fly from Moscow to Yerevan (Armenia) for about 200,000 rubles – above the average price at this time of the year by over 1,000%.

Despite such high prices, on June 24 there were no direct tickets to Istanbul, Astana and Tbilisi, while the airfare to Dubai cost 350,000 rubles.

The situation has now normalized, although there are still quite expensive airfares to such destinations as Tbilisi and Belgrade.

The Association of Tour Operators in Russia noted that in the near term airfares are likely to go down, but not significantly.

Imagine the faces of those who yesterday bought plane tickets from Russia at a 1000% markup 😁
