Ramzan Kadyrov published a video of his son Adam beating Nikita Zhuravel, who was accused of burning the Koran, in a pre-trial detention center. К основному контенту

Ramzan Kadyrov published a video of his son Adam beating Nikita Zhuravel, who was accused of burning the Koran, in a pre-trial detention center.

"There are still disputes online about the fact of Adam Kadyrov's beating of Holy Quran burner Nikita Zhuravel, an accomplice of the special services of Ukraine. Is it true or not? He beat him and did the right thing. Moreover, I believe that anyone who infringes on any Holy Scripture, including those who demonstratively burn it, should be severely punished. Our country has a unique law protecting religious values and they are protected by the state at the highest level," Kadyrov wrote in his Telegram channel. "Without exaggeration, yes, I am proud of Adam's act," Kadyrov added. When will Kadyrov be awarded the "father of the year" medal? Posthumously?
