Adam Kadyrov, who beat prisoner Nikita Zhuravel in jail, was awarded the title of Hero of Chechnya К основному контенту

Adam Kadyrov, who beat prisoner Nikita Zhuravel in jail, was awarded the title of Hero of Chechnya

"I am very glad that my dear nephew is a worthy heir of his great grandfather — Akhmat-Hadji. I am convinced that Adam will bring great benefits to his people and country, will faithfully and relentlessly serve the interests of the Fatherland," Adam Delimkhanov, deputy chairman of the Chechen government, commented on the incident, especially noting the merits of Kadyrov Jr. in the field of sports and knowledge of the Koran. On August 16, the son of the head of Chechnya beat Nikita Zhuravel in the isolation ward, who burned the Koran near the mosque on Povorinskaya Street in Volgograd, sent to Chechnya by order of Bastrykin. "I beat him, and I did the right thing," Adam's father said. In connection with the incident, the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted an inspection, but refused to initiate a criminal case against the young man — Adam Kadyrov is 15 years old, and he has not yet reached the age of criminal responsibility for such crimes.
