India does not want to pay yuan for Russian oil К основному контенту

India does not want to pay yuan for Russian oil

The Indian authorities do not like the fact that state oil refineries have started paying for Russian oil in yuan. Due to the position of the authorities, at least seven cargoes delivered by tankers in recent weeks remain unpaid, people familiar with the situation told Reuters. Some refineries, including the country's largest oil refining company Indian Oil, used the yuan to pay for Russian oil in the summer. Russian suppliers are also trying to insist on this, as two other state-owned companies, Bharat Petroleum and Hindustan Petroleum, have asked for it. One Indian official noted that if a private company wants to pay in yuan, the government will not interfere, but it will neither encourage such transactions nor facilitate them. He did not say about the attitude to such calculations in state-owned companies. However, two Finance Ministry officials told Reuters that the government does not like payments using yuan.
