The head of Tatarstan presented the beaten Volgograd resident son Kadyrov with the Order for Strengthening Interethnic Peace К основному контенту

The head of Tatarstan presented the beaten Volgograd resident son Kadyrov with the Order for Strengthening Interethnic Peace

The head of Tatarstan presented the beaten Volgograd resident son Kadyrov with the Order for Strengthening Interethnic Peace The son of the head of Chechnya, 15-year-old Adam Kadyrov, who beat a detainee for burning the Koran, received the second most important award in Tatarstan - the Order of Duslyk (Friendship), said his uncle, State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov. According to him, the award for “a significant contribution to strengthening interethnic and interfaith peace and harmony” was personally presented to Adam Kadyrov by the head of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov.
