The Russians "attacked" the Internet with the question of the return of the mobilized home К основному контенту

The Russians "attacked" the Internet with the question of the return of the mobilized home

In September, Russians began to be interested in Yandex with record frequency when their loved ones would return from the war. This drew the attention of the "Layout". According to Yandex Wordstat, in September, users 134 thousand times asked Yandex for information "when the mobilized will be returned." This is 51% more than in August, when there were about 89 thousand such requests, and twice as many as in October 2022, during the previous peak of requests — then there were 66.5 thousand. Russians are also writing petitions calling for the return of those mobilized from the front. One of them, posted on September 19 by the Zemsky Defender project, collected more than 17.8 thousand signatures. In particular, it proposes "to transfer the conflict with Ukraine into a diplomatic channel and settle it through international mediation."
Russians are also trying to get information about the possible return of the mobilized from representatives of the authorities at various levels. The Russians are "attacking" the officials' pages on the VKontakte social network with questions. According to the calculations of "Layout", the Russians have sent the most similar messages in recent days to the Governor of the Voronezh region Alexander Gusev and the governor of the Orel region Andrey Klychkov. In most cases, such appeals remain ignored. On the eve of the Russians flooded the broadcast of Vladimir Putin's speech from the Valdai forum with comments. The wives and mothers of the mobilized demanded the return of their relatives from the war. At the same time, the authorities began to block communities in which relatives of the mobilized coordinated their appeals in the comments.
