Vladimir Putin's ex-wife earned 5.4 billion rubles for lending to impoverished citizens К основному контенту

Vladimir Putin's ex-wife earned 5.4 billion rubles for lending to impoverished citizens

On the “straight line” Putin suddenly started talking about microcredit organizations. Although they literally “rip off” the Russian people, the president does not see anything wrong with this. “They don’t work in their niche and help many people,” Putin said. One of these people was his ex-wife Lyudmila Putina (now Ocheretnaya). After the divorce, it became the real CarMoney organization, which processes hundreds of millions of microloans. Lyudmila also turned out to be a billionaire. Here's what we've learned about her condition. https://pointmedia.io/story/657ff637a509d9dd53cad10b
