4 Protesters Face Lengthy Jail Terms Over ‘Mass... К основному контенту

4 Protesters Face Lengthy Jail Terms Over ‘Mass...

4 Protesters Face Lengthy Jail Terms Over ‘Mass...

4 Protesters Face Lengthy Jail Terms Over ‘Mass Rioting’ in Russia’s BashkortostanAt least four people who protested the jailing of prominent Bashkir activist Fayil Alsynov could face up to 15 years in prison on charges of mass rioting in Russia’s republic of Bashkortostan, the civil rights watchdog OVD-Info said late Sunday, citing local media. Bashkortostan’s Interior Ministry launched two criminal cases over protests held last week in the small town where Alsynov was sentenced to four years in prison for “inciting interethnic hatred,” charges which the activist denies.Read more | Subscribe to our channel

