Wildberries company claims it is negotiating with rescue services to use a helicopter to put out the fire at the warehouse in St Petersburg. К основному контенту

Wildberries company claims it is negotiating with rescue services to use a helicopter to put out the fire at the warehouse in St Petersburg.

So if there's a fire in Russia and the smoke from it covers half of St Petersburg - negotiations with firepersons are needed so they will start work. If someone gets robbed in Russia - should that person start negotiating with the police? This is complete breakdown of the system if "connections" are needed even for issues like this one. There have been at least 50 large fires in the past 5-6 months in the large warehouses in Russia, mostly in Moscow region and St Petersburg. No one was punished. There have been rumors that with the sanctions it is more profitable to burn down the building and get payments from insurance than upkeep half-empty spaces.
