Arts and Life | Celebrate St. Valentine’s Day the... К основному контенту

Arts and Life | Celebrate St. Valentine’s Day the...

Arts and Life | Celebrate St. Valentine’s Day the...

Arts and Life | Celebrate St. Valentine’s Day the Traditional Russian Way, With GingerbreadBy Pavel and Olga SyutkinMany people think that Valentine’s Day — the holiday of love — came to Russia only in the early 1990s along with Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day. Nothing of the sort! More than one hundred years ago, back in the 19th century, on February 14 girls from the Russian nobility sent Valentine cards to their boyfriends and they, in turn, asked them to dance at balls.But today is not yesterday. The devious West hopes to undermine the spiritual values of Russians through chocolates and cards. The Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow has launched a serious fight against this holiday. “There are a great number of questions about the celebration of St. Valentine’s Day,” Patriarch Kirill said, “It is a holiday imported from the West, and despite all the attempts to ennoble it, it remains propaganda of relationships that have nothing to do with true love.”Read more | Subscribe to our channel
