Kremlin Pushes to Extinguish Grieving for Navalny as Election... К основному контенту

Kremlin Pushes to Extinguish Grieving for Navalny as Election...

Kremlin Pushes to Extinguish Grieving for Navalny as Election...

Kremlin Pushes to Extinguish Grieving for Navalny as Election NearsThe Kremlin is working to suppress memorials for the late opposition figure Alexei Navalny in a bid to prevent his death from overshadowing President Vladimir Putin’s expected re-election next month.Authorities are using harsh detentions of Navalny’s grieving supporters and censorship to prevent acts of mourning from turning into political protests, sources in the Russian government, parliament and close to the Kremlin told The Moscow Times.Read more | Subscribe to our channel
