Opinion | U.S. Carelessness Over Aid Bill Costs Ukrainian Lives... К основному контенту

Opinion | U.S. Carelessness Over Aid Bill Costs Ukrainian Lives...

Opinion | U.S. Carelessness Over Aid Bill Costs Ukrainian Lives...

Opinion | U.S. Carelessness Over Aid Bill Costs Ukrainian Lives — And Sends a Dangerous Signal to the WorldBy Elena DavlikanovaThere’s a scene in the movie “Don’t Look Up” where Jennifer Lawrence’s character frantically tries to draw attention to a cataclysmic meteorite heading toward Earth. “I have news for you. It’s already a complete disaster,” she shouts. That is how it feels to watch Congress members argue over aid to Ukraine, oblivious to the grave threat facing the transatlantic alliance without a strong U.S. response to Russian aggression.The views expressed in opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the position of The Moscow Times.Read more | Subscribe to our channel

