Queerness as Extremism: The Assault on LGBTQ+ Rights in... К основному контенту

Queerness as Extremism: The Assault on LGBTQ+ Rights in...

Queerness as Extremism: The Assault on LGBTQ+ Rights in...

Queerness as Extremism: The Assault on LGBTQ+ Rights in RussiaRussia’s recent move to outlaw the “LGBT movement” as extremist marks a chilling escalation in its crackdown on LGBTQ+ rights. Join The Moscow Times and University College London (UCL) for a discussion exploring this alarming trend. Speaker: Anthropologist Olga Doletskaya, who will contextualise the anti-LGBTQ+ crackdown by looking at Russia’s recent queer history.🗓️ Feb 22 🕖 Time: 7 PM GMT 📍 Online and in-person at UCL (London)This event is free to attend. Seats are limited, so register today!

