On 26 June 1988, Air France Flight 296Q crashed while making a low pass over Mulhouse–Habsheim Airfield as part of the Habsheim Air Show. The accident unfolded in front of the spectators. К основному контенту

On 26 June 1988, Air France Flight 296Q crashed while making a low pass over Mulhouse–Habsheim Airfield as part of the Habsheim Air Show. The accident unfolded in front of the spectators.

This particular flight was the A320's inaugural passenger flight, and most of those on board were journalists and raffle competition winners. They had won tickets as part of a promotional event hosted by local businesses. The low-speed flyover, with landing gear down, was supposed to take place at an altitude of 100 feet (30 m). However, the plane performed the flyover at only 30 ft (9 m), skimming the treetops of the forest at the end of the runway before crashing. Miraculously, all 136 passengers survived the initial impact, but 3 then died of smoke inhalation from the subsequent fire.
